The Speed Art Museum
This award-winning production earned a Silver Telly for 3D graphics and animation, as well as a Silver People's Telly based on public voting. When closing for construction, the Speed Art Museum sought an artful marketing piece to create momentum and highlight design details. We produced this stylized animation, set to the music of Philip Glass, to share the wonder, excitement and inspiration of the new Speed. This project inspired and challenged us to create a unique viewing experience. The design created by wHY Architecture establishes a newly energized and expanded home for Kentucky’s oldest and largest art museum, located in Louisville. Patrons and supporters were already familiar with the building design, but a more dynamic presentation was needed to convey the style and feel of the project and continue building interest for fundraising and promotion while the existing galleries were closed. Animated vignettes present the iconic building as an unfolding work of art. All elements of the presentation are 3D animation. To complete the experience, we collaborated with museum director Ghislain d'Humières to select and license music from an equally iconic composer, Philip Glass.